Detailed Swing Direction Information
Navigating swing directions for doors can be perplexing. Door swings change depending on perspective; for instance, a door's front may have hinges on the right, but from the rear view, the hinges are on the left. While some companies determine swing solely based on the hinge side, we at Hide-A-Way Doors utilize our 35+ years of experience in custom building and remodeling to establish the terminology offered on this site. Our swing direction is specifically focusing on normal interior residential doors. It's essential to understand that other manufacturers may adopt different methods for determining swing directions. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our approach and how we manufacture our hidden bookcase doors, as Hide-A-Way Doors cannot guarantee alignment with other manufacturers' determinations.
Careful consideration for the swing direction, particularly between open in and open out, is recommended. Changing the swing direction after the fact is nearly impossible to do on site and most of the time the frame & case molding will need to be re-made. *Important: Max Wall/ Jamb Depth for all In-Swing Bookcase Doors is 6-1/2" No restrictions on outswing doors
The easiest way to determine a swing direction is to imagine your back in the doorway against the side where the hinges will be attached then ask yourself, "will the door swing to the right side of my body (Right Hand Swing) or to the left (Left Hand Swing); "does it an open in or open out?" The finish side of the bookcase or mirror is the front. If you push it to get into a room, that is an open in, if you pull the door to open it that is an open out.