About Us

Dive into the story behind Hide-A-Way Doors on our About Us page. Discover our passion for innovative hidden door designs, our journey, and the values that guide our craftsmanship. Learn what makes us the trusted choice for concealment solutions

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Our Roots:


We are a family owned and operated business located in Morristown, Tennessee, about 45 minutes northeast of Knoxville.

Hide-A-Way Doors was founded in late 2015 after a client approached our parent company ALL WORK CONTRACTING SERVICES, about a unique build. At the time ALL WORK was well known throughout the area for custom building and remodeling and was the go-to company clients could rely on for the ability to get the job done right. Our client asked us to come up with a design and build for a hidden bookcase door with specific requests. After researching hidden door companies online, he said, “I don’t want any signs that it is a door, no swing gaps and I do not want it made from MDF.” The design we came up with is now known as the Alpha Door and from that design, Hide-A-Way Doors was born.

​After completing the first build, we had decided to design a model bookcase door and present it at a local trade show previously scheduled under ALL WORK’s name. We were delightfully surprised at the interest that it created. The local newspaper wrote an article about our door and the next morning there was a line of people waiting at our display to talk with us about it. One of the biggest take away from doing the show was learning that a good amount of people interested in the door weren’t even concerned with concealing a room. People were more excited that a bookcase door added not only beauty and style but it also provided extra storage in an otherwise useless space of a doorway.

​In the years since then, we have come up with several types of hidden doors serving all different needs around the home or office. The Alpha Door, with many add on features and the Mirror Doors are specifically designed for concealment, while our standard doors the single, double, attic and BiFold doors are designed for utility and storage. Other options for our bookcase doors are the wine glass door, pool room door, pantries and bedroom organizers. The concept is forever expanding, so be sure to check back with us soon.

​We truly appreciate your business!

Introductory Videos

Learn more about us and our products

About Us & how we build our doors

A quick video background video about our company and products

About our Products

Learn more about how we build our products

YouTube Series

Behind Closed Doors

Welcome to Behind Closed Doors, a comprehensive look behind the scenes of one of America's top hidden door manufacturers. Journey along with Chris, Hide-A-Way Door's founder and CEO as he interviews several key employees, and shows you an indepth look at how our doors are made.

~Be sure to like, subscribe, & share~

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 1

Title: "Not in my House"

In this episode Jr. and Sr. come together to discuss the inspection and shipping process at Hide-A-Way Doors

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 2

Title: "Color Me Impressed"

In this episode Chris interviews Marti & Harley in the finishing department

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 3

Title: "Program This"

In this interview Chris interviews Joe the programmer

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 4

Title: "Man, Myth, Legend"

In this episode Chris spends some time with Dennis to discuss the different types of cabinet doors & drag racing

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 5

Title: "Mirror, Mirror!"

In this episode Chris interviews Jason about Alpha and other types of Mirror Doors.

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 6

Title: "Would, or Wood?"

In this episode Chris interviews Taylor Hide-A-Way Door's material handler.

Behind Closed Doors Season 1 Episode 7

Title: "Top Dawg"

Season Finale

In this episode Chris interviews the company foreman Dion Primiani with a little guitar jam at the end!

Season 2 Episode 1

Title: "STICKY"

A change of pace this season as Chris explains how to make a butt joint stronger

Season 2 Episode 2

Title: "Rabbet, Rabbit"

In this episode Chris highlight two different types of carpentry joints

Season 2 Episode 3

Titled: "Da, Dad, Dado"

In this episode Chris explains pocket screws and dado joints to make a stronger wood joint

Season 2 Episode 4

Titled: "Sands with Fists"

In this episode Chris demonstrates how to sand evenly and gets rid of annoying swirl marks left by electric sanders 

Season 2 Episode 5

Titled: "and the Crown goes to"

In this episode Chris explains how to cut and install crown molding

Season 2 Episode 6

Titled: "Crooked"

In this very informative video, Chris demonstrates proper techniques of straightening wood using a table saw

Hide-A-Way Doors interview icon

Season 2 Episode 7

Titled: "TBD"

Season 3 Episode 1

Titled: "Got Wood?"

In this episode Chris talks about several species of wood and their characteristics


Season 3 Episode 2

Titled: "Face Frames"

Chris discusses cabinet faceframes and the different types of material we use at Hide-A-Way Doors.

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