Remodeling Tips & Suggestions using Hidden Doors

Remodeling Tips & Suggestions using Hidden Doors - Hide-A-Way-Doors

Remodeling your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With some creative ideas and a bit of imagination, you can transform your home into a place that's both beautiful and functional. One way to achieve this is by incorporating a bookcase door into your remodel. 

Bookcase doors, better known as a "hidden doors," have been around for centuries, used for everything from hiding secret rooms to storing prized possessions. Modern bookcase doors have many uses that are not just for covert purposes. While they are still popular for their hiding capabilities, they are also very well known for a variety of other uses such as gaining extra storage in an otherwise useless space of a doorway.

Here are some tips and suggestions to help you incorporate hidden doors into your remodel:

  1. Make sure the area is right for a hidden door. Smaller sized openings decrease the amount of passthrough clearance. Hidden bookcase doors operate within their own frames, the depth of the bookcase cuts down on the overall door opening. In-swing bookcase doors offer a bit more passthrough clearance than an outswing door do, however; the room behind the door has to have enough clearance to swing in to the space behind the door. Out-swing doors (when you pull the door towards yourself as you face the front of the bookcase) needs a limited amount of space behind the door but because the bookcase depth takes some of the space away from the remaining door's opening, extra consideration is suggested when planning to use an out-swing door especially for smaller door openings.
  2. Choose the right material. When choosing the material for your hidden door, consider both aesthetics and durability. If your décor is primarily stained wood you wouldn’t want to install a painted door, and vice versa. It’s best when trying to closely match your existing furnishings to order your door with the same species of wood and finish. If you intend on using your door often, choosing a better grade of materials for your door is recommended to withstand additional usage over a period of time. Stronger materials provide better ware resistance but can also be costly.
  3. Hidden doors come in all different types, styles, and sizes. When considering a hidden door for your remodel you need to consider several things before making your decision. Hide-A-Way Doors offer many types of doors that fit into two basic categories, Standard and Concealment. First, you’ll need to figure out what are your main reasons for considering a hidden door for your remodel is before choosing which style of door that you are interested in. (a) Is concealment your main reason for purchasing a hidden door? If your answer is yes, you’ll need to look at the benefits and drawbacks of The Alpha Door, made by Hide-A-Way Doors, to make sure that it is right for your situation. (b) If you are less concerned with concealment and more interested in all the storage and utility benefits of a bookcase door, your choice should be a Standard Bookcase Door. (c) When you figure out what type of door works for your application, you need to know which style of door best suits your needs. For an example, a hidden Wine Glass Door may look a little misplaced in a bedroom but perfect as a dining room door, and a Pool Cue door would be a bit awkward in a kitchen where the better choice would be a Spice Rack Door.
  4.  Add some detail. You can add some extra detail to your hidden door with decorative trim or cabinet doors. Rear cabinet panels or double sided bookcase doors can bring beauty and useability to both rooms. Glass cabinet doors provide another personalized touch and by adding some lighting, you can then turn your hidden bookcase door into a family display case. This will add uniqueness and make your door stand out as a beautiful bookcase and less focus on it actually being a door.

Hidden doors can be a great addition to any home or office remodel. With the right placement, materials, and detailing, you can create a unique and stylish feature in your home. So, if you're looking to add some charm and character to your home, consider incorporating hidden doors into your remodel. Hidden Doors from Hide-A-Way Doors are all handmade in the USA from real wood, never MDF.


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